Here's a fabulous idea for a movie. Take a book - a not particularly well-received book - written by somebody else and then copy that book, only in movie form. Be nice about it, though, so you can get the author of the book to participate in your movie. And that's what we have here as Joel Allen Schroeder copies the book Looking for Calvin & Hobbes by going to Bill Watterson's hometown and interviewing lots of people about him and his comics. While there's some useful information here (though not much), in the end we don't learn much. Watterson, as always, didn't participate, so we don't get anything from him. So we're left with a bunch of cartoonists talking about how awesome C&H was, mixed in with a visit to the library at Ohio State where almost all of Watterson's original artwork is stored. Whoop dee doo. 3/10.