Ben Affleck plays a sales guy who gets downsized in the wake of the economic crisis. Tommy Lee Jones is his boss and Craig T Nelson is the CEO. Kevin Costner plays the brother-in-law. This is a somber movie with a few light moments that takes a pretty realistic look at what happens to upper-middle class (or above) folks who lose their jobs and their employment prospects afterward. Affleck is solid, Nelson is good, Tommy Lee plays himself, and Costner demonstrates the hilarity of his (in)ability to do a good accent. Good movie that doesn't really strive for greatness and thus never gets there. I did get a bit of a chuckle out of the financial situation Affleck is in - he makes $125k + incentives and is his family's sole paycheck, yet they live in a home that's worth well north of $1m. If that doesn't just explain the mortgage crisis in a nutshell, LOL. Anyway, good movie that just creeps over the Tabedoza line - 8/10.
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