What if a lot of UFO hoaxes and "coverups" were actually disinformation spread by the government itself? This movie sort of tells the story of Richard Doty. Doty was apparently an Air Force guy who was involved with one Paul Bennewitz. Bennewitz lived near an Air Force base in the 1970s and noticed some strange stuff - stuff he thought were UFOs. He started filming things and contacted the Air Force. Doty was assigned to feed disinformation to Bennewitz and apparently somehow convinced him that aliens were invading. Or something. And Doty's actions apparently drove Bennewitz crazy and ruined his life. And this movie covers some of that. And there's maybe a good story to be told there. But it's structured in such a terrible, confusing fashion that you'll have no idea what's being talked about most of the time. And so much of what's being talked about is such obvious nonsense (Doty actually claims to have seen a film of "a live alien sitting and talking") that the film loses all credibility. If you want a movie that shows the UFO crowd to be a bunch of crackpots and lunatics, this one does the trick. I was hoping for more than that. Not a LOT more than that but wanted a little something. 1/10.
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