I'm a sucker for "based on a true story" sports movies. Love 'em. This one tells the story of Catana Starks, the first black woman to be the head coach of a men's college golf team. Starks was the head coach at Tennessee State University. And in those last two sentences I have captured literally everything the movie gets factually correct about this story - Starks's name, her school, and her historical significance. It gets EVERYTHING ELSE COMPLETELY WRONG. I don't know that I've ever seen a "based on a true story" sports movie miss so many other details before. They shift the time from 1980 to present day. They change ALL the people. They make up schools. They Starks getting static for "failing" after ONE WEEK ON THE JOB. They have TSU winning a national title in their first season. And you know what? None of that would matter if the movie itself were any good. It's not. It's terrible. The golfers are a mishmash of stereotypes and caricatures. The storylines are cliched to the max. The dialogue is just awful and was clearly written by somebody who knew nothing about golf ("when I'm a golf player" being one egregiously bad example). The acting is terrible. The golf scenes are terrible - in one, a guy strikes his putt and it's clearly at least a foot to the right of his line and then they cut to the ball rolling straight in. Ugh. So, yeah, this sucked. 1/10.
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