Dennis Quaid is a Secret Service agent seeing his first duty since taking a bullet for the prez some time ago. That dude from Lost is his partner. They're in Spain for some conference with a gazillion other world leaders and the prez is going to give a speech in the courtyard of a palace or something. Anyway, the prez gets shot and all chaos breaks out. The gimmick, and title of the movie, is that we see the same 15 minutes or so from all different vantage points in order to piece together what all happened. The action is fast, the movie is slick, and the gimmick is a fun one. There's some twists and turns, of course. There's also a much higher than I remember body count (this being the second time I've seen the movie). Anyway, this is a well-done movie with everyone doing a good job in their part. Entertaining, definitely. 7/10.
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