OK, I've read the reviews so I was expecting terrible going in. No problem there. I was looking for brainless entertainment while I just chilled out. And, hey, 2 hours of Halle Berry in a bikini, how bad can it be, right? Well...the answer is "pretty freaking awful". Holy cow. This is a really strong candidate for worst movie I've ever seen. It's just such a mess of...well, everything. The story is that Berry is a diver who free swims (i.e. outside of a cage) with great white sharks. She retires after her diving partner gets eaten by a shark. So no more shark diving. Until her husband, from whom she's estranged, shows up with a millionaire Brit who wants to free swim with sharks. Halle is REALLY AGAINST THAT because, ya know, guilt and stuff, until dude backs up the Brink's truck full o' cash. They go out on the water and mayhem ensues. Along the way, we get terrible dialogue delivered by bad actors and good actors acting poorly all mixed into a choppy story that has no meat on it and doesn't flow at all. The whole thing is just plain terrible. Really, just amazingly bad. 1/10.
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