The true story of Matt Hamill, first deaf NCAA wrestling champion and UFC fighter. I don't know Matt's story at all so no clue how accurate this is. It's a pretty sanitized version of ANYBODY'S life though. Production quality is on the low end for a Lifetime movie. Not bad or anything, it's well-done, just obviously not a high-budget production. The actors all do a good enough job though the lead actor is definitely too old to be playing Hamill. Anyway, this is a feel-good, "You can do anything!" movie and it succeeds in that goal. The only real negative is that you can't just have this on in the background which was my intention when picking the movie. A good 75% of the dialogue is sign language with captions so you have to actually watch and not just listen. That seems obvious when you think about it, which I didn't before picking the movie :) To call that a negative is misleading - it's more of a "Tabe was a dumbass for picking this movie at that particular time". Anyway, entertaining enough - 6/10.
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