Bruce Willis is David Dunn, a security guard. Samuel L Jackson is Elijah Price, the owner of an art gallery that exclusively sells comic book art. They meet and become friends when Willis is involved in a train derailment that kills every passenger onboard - except him. And he walks away completely uninjured. Price hears about him and contacts Dunn, letting him know that he thinks Dunn is some kind of comic book hero brought to life. Slowly, this idea takes hold in Dunn as well and we see him destroying his bench press personal best, learning of his powers of detection and so on. This is an M. Night Shamalamadingdong movie from back when M. Night was still making good stuff. This isn't on the level of The Sixth Sense but is still very good. Of course there's a twist, as well. And, yeah, there's some ridiculous moments, in particular a scene with Dunn's kid, but this is generally really good. And, hey, it's got Robin Wright, too. 7/10.
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