A friend asked me to watch this and, well, I did. I can't say I was impressed in any way. This is one of the laziest documentaries I've seen in a long, long time. The makers take what could be an interesting subject - "Youtubers" who make a living posting videos to Youtube - and do nothing with it. What we get are short 5-10 minute interviews with each person, a tiny bit of behind-the-scenes at how their videos are made and...that's it. The people profiled seem nice enough - Hannah Hart, in particular, seems pretty darn cool (though I suspect I'd find her "drunk chef" videos incredibly annoying) and SeaNanners seems pretty cool as well. But, again, nothing much is done with them other than the interviews. Then, in one interview, we get what is almost the documentary equivalent of one of those annoying Facebook clickbait articles. They put up a little screen that says they asked one guy some really personal question and show him not answering. Then another screen saying three weeks later he's willing to address it. Then he...doesn't. And at no time are we told the actual question. It's sort of implied that the question is along the lines of "ARE YOU TEH GAY???????" but never stated as such. It feels like a "We asked this guy a really personal question. You won't believe his shocking response" clickbait thing. There's some mention of a "Youtubers convention" but not much is shown of it. There's references, and a couple brief video clips, highlighting the fame some Youtubers achieve but, again, not much done with it. In the end, the whole thing just feels like one big missed opportunity. 5/10.
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