And then there's this one. This is a mockumentary about a computer chess tournament and it's set in 1980. You've got a cast of characters about like what you'd expect - lots of nerdy guys and then the commentator for the whole thing, who will play the winning chess computer. The movie is seemingly one random scene after another with "real" dialogue that just ends up being nothing. There's an awkward scene with a middle-aged couple trying to seduce one of the nerds, there's an awkward scene of some kind of "spiritualist" group doing a "re-birthing" exercise and so on. It's pretty obvious that the filmmakers are in love with themselves and think all these scenes are just hilarious and.....they're just not. They go for the "look how clever we are, we filmed it all in black & white!" thing because, ya know, nobody had color movie cameras in 1980. Bottom line: I *AM* the target audience for this movie. I get all the techno babble 1980 stuff they did. I wrote code to play chess games and so on. I get it. But this movie sucks. 1/10.
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